Webinar: employment cases – tips and takeaways

Event date/time: do, 30 november 2023 12:30 pm - 1:15 pm GMT

The pace of employment law does not stand still and employment case law is no different. However, understanding how certain decisions could impact your business’s policies and procedures can seem daunting. 

To help HR professionals stay on track with the recent case law decisions, our own Stephanie McCleery, Director, again partnered with Emma O’Connor, Legal Director and Head of HR Training at Boyes Turner.

Why watch our webinar? 

  • Get a comprehensive overview of recent key employment cases in the UK
  • Discover how you can apply the takeaways from these cases to your business  
  • Understand the positive and negative impact of case law decisions  
  • Learn practical tips that will help you navigate the current HR challenges and issues


Emma O’Connor

Director | Head of HR Training
Boyes Turner

Webinar replay

If you missed our first webinar where we discussed the upcoming changes in the UK employment law, you can watch it below.